Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 17

All caught up with posts.

Diet was good today: fruit, chicken salad, unwich, and bunch of random stuff from whole foods for dinner (2 hard boiled eggs, meatballs, sashimi tuna). Also has a coconut milk latte w/agave. Surely I am the first registered Republican to have ever ordered such a ridiculous coffee beverage.

weight today: 215. lighter than when i started, heavier than where i was a week ago. Really want to get that down to at least 210 by the end of this.


1-1-1-1-1 strict press w/last rep @140 (PR)

WOD: 22 mins

run 200m

50x air squats

run 400m

75x air squats

run 600m

100x air squats

run 800m

Day 16

Valentines day: dinner was an epic cheat meal with everything possibly bad for you going into my body.


3x5 bench press at 165, 185, 205. Could only do 1 rep at 205 (210 is my PR)

WOD, RX'd except for small band on ring dips. 7 rounds.

AMRAP 20 mins

1x deadlift @ 315#

10x ring dips

20x sit ups

30x double unders

Day 15

dieting continues.

Hurt myself doing 185# squat clean during the strength portion of the workout and was unable to do WOD.
My form is terrible. I can power clean 185 and then front squat ... but i have problems catching the bar in a squat so a) my weight is lower than it should be and b) my arm feels like someone tried to rip it out of my shoulder

Day 14

Back on diet after 2 days of cheating.

Did Helen again. 14:56, down from 19 something. Getting better with running and pullups.

Tried for PR with deadlift. Still stuck at 365#

Hurt my ankle again :(

Day 13

Did the following WOD prescribed, but took planned cheat day for food/drink. This includes going to Sonic at 2 am.

Also measured body fat. Normal setting -- around 17%. athletic: 15%. Down about 2% from the start of the challenge. Took measurements at the end of the workout so was dehydrated, etc.

WOD was brutal. Time around 22 mins, i think.

100x double under buy in, then

7 rounds for time of:

7x thrusters @95#

10x bar facing burpees

Day 12

Did not go to Crossfit. Went to casino, drank beer, and lost 200 dollars.
That day got away from me.

Day 11

Diet continues. DId Core Strength+Flexibility+Balance class aka Yoga. it was hard.

Day 10

Did this WOD, with singles x3 instead of double unders. Diet continues.

Unsure of how many rounds.

10x (squat) clean & jerks (155/115) not for time, for quality

Rest 3 mins, then AMRAP 10 mins

25x double unders

5x pull ups

10x lunges (each leg) w/ plate overhead (35/25)

Day 9 (tuesday)

Back still killing me on this day but was able to run a 5k. Ankle felt good for the first time in a while.

Diet, check.

Day 8 (Monday)

I'm catching up on several days of missed posts here.

My back was killing me on Monday so I took this day off. Diet Ok. Sleep, fish oil etc ok.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 7

No Wod. Successful diet (so far). Fishoil ... check.
I'm down to 214 lbs from 219 on Day 1, and 225 several weeks ago. Not too bad.
Need more sleep.

Day 6

Saturday was a planned, full-on cheat day and what a cheat day it was.
Pasta, 2 breakfast burritos, and macaroni ... and Guiness. deliscious. I have regained the will to live.

Becky and I did a team workout that included:
20x hspu

30x DB squat cleans (30/20)

40x DB snatches (30/20)

50x pull ups

60x air squats

70x thrusters (95/65)

80x sit ups

90x deadlifts (95/65)

100x double unders

Did it suck? yes.

Day 5

no workout. late night at work.
Made it almost all the way through the day on diet but then had a slice of pizza. Weak

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 4

Diet ok except no breakfast. Chicken and squash. Grossly large dinner: salad, tuna, sausage.
Max ring dips: 7 no band.
Wod- Annie w/7 squat cleans @75 between each round. Time: around 19 mins. Forgot to look at click before collapsing on floor.
Dammit forgot fish oil again

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 3

No time to work out today. Probably not tomorrow either.
Benchmark i forgot to report yesterday: 19.6% body fat on "normal" setting; 17.6% on "athletic." Need to get that down in the next 6 weeks.

DIet today continues to be ok. hardboiled eggs, egg salad, squash, chipotle no beans no rice. Hot sauce on everything. Coffee with coconut milk.

Dammit i forgot the fish oil.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 2

Workout: Helen. Used as benchmark. 3 rounds: 400 m run, 21 kb swings @55 lbs, 12 pull ups. 19:16 rx'd.
Also did max rep pushups as benchmark: 32.
Diet: banana, another fucking unwhich from jimmy johns, burgers w no bread. Had diet coke.
Actually prepared food for tomorrows lunch for probably first time ever.
Have been taking fish oil and eating breakfast all 3 days

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 1

Success with food. Egg salad, unwhich, bison from crockpot. Coconut milk.

12 pull ups for fitness test. Need to beat that in 6 weeks. Am confident I can. Hopefully get it up to 20.

Workout was 3 rounds: 50 air squats, 7 muscle ups, 10 hang cleans @135. I subbed 10 Pullups 10 ring dips for muscle ups. Switched to orange band for Pullups in round 2. Also used an orange band for dips. Did cleans @135 for 2 rds then switched to 115 in round 3.

I need to get Internet. Updating this on my phone is beat.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 0

I'm starting the crossfit 405 "healthier, leaner, some other stuff" challenge tomorrow. This blog is to help document what i hope will be my progress, and not my failure. There is a point system which I will detail tomorrow. The hardest part is the dieting. Basically, no gluten, no "bad carbs" no grain etc. no alcohol for six weeks, which seems ridiculous. Will report progress on that front as well.